2021 Nov 18 2:42 AM
I am doing the exercises for DEV164 (Workflows). I have successfully finished the step "Build MTA Project". I can see the WFTutorial_0.0.1.mtar file. But, when I try to perform the next step "Deploy MTA Archive", I am getting the below error:
Authentication failed: API endpoint: https://api.cf.us10.hana.ondemand.com Authenticating... Password: API endpoint: https://api.cf.us10.hana.ondemand.com API version: 3.108.0 Not logged in. Use 'cf login' or 'cf login --sso' to log in. FAILED
I am unable to proceed with my exercises. Please help me get over this error.
Thank you.
2021 Nov 18 8:23 AM
Hi Venkata,
The system informs you that you need to log on first. Did you skip this or did this return an error?
cf api <URL>
cf login
# or cf login --sso, which opens the authentication URL in a browser and, for example, to authenticate with an X.509 certificate (SAP employees)
2021 Nov 18 8:23 AM
Hi Venkata,
The system informs you that you need to log on first. Did you skip this or did this return an error?
cf api <URL>
cf login
# or cf login --sso, which opens the authentication URL in a browser and, for example, to authenticate with an X.509 certificate (SAP employees)
2021 Nov 18 3:26 PM
Hi Denys,
I have attached the screen shots showing the steps that I am following.
I am doing all that is mentioned. But still unable to deploy the project. What am I still missing?
2021 Nov 18 4:43 PM
Authentication failed. According to BTP you either entered the wrong the username or password (or both). Or something else...
To debug, as suggested, try to log in using cf command. For this you can use the built-in terminal in BAS.
2021 Nov 19 3:16 AM
Got it finally !
Used the --sso option from built-in terminal and got the temp auth code.
As I am new to BTP, took sometime to understand your suggestion. 🙂
But, why BAS is not accepting my actual password is till a mystery to me.
Thanks for your help Denys !!
2022 Mar 02 5:31 PM