We have all been exposed to some sort of assessment in our lives. Think back to your school days – you would often be tested on what you were supposed to know. Most times the test was just a regurgitation of what you'd been told. If you paid attention in class, revised and had a good memory you probably would pass. But how long did you remember the material after the assessment?
Well-written items promote learning and memory recall, and help retain knowledge, skills and/or abilities over time. But writing good items isn’t as easy as it looks.
There's still time to register for the webinar How to write high quality test items, presented by Questionmark.
This webinar will cover:
- The basic requirements for writing a good stimulus
- How to create fair, reasonable distractors
- Ways to identify and improve poorly written items
- Thursday 22nd September, 2016 15:30 (Australian Eastern Standard Time - AEST)
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