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Former Member

The upgrade of the SAP BusinessObjects curriculum from V3.1 to V4.0 has been completed since late 2011. Likewise for Crystal Reports and Dashboard Design tools, the latest 2011 versions with 6-month validity after installation can be downloaded free-of-charge easily.

For those who have not upgraded your curriculum, we urge you to do so ASAP to leverage on the newer curriculum for your students.

University Alliances program member professors can access the curriculum in the Business Intelligence Collaboration Workspace.

We will remove the following older versions from UAC after these dates:

  • 31 Dec 2012
    • Crystal Reports 2008
    • Dashboard Design 2008
  • 30 Jun 2013
    • BusinessObjects WebIntelligence 3.1
    • BusinessObjects Explorer 3.1

Please check with your UCC on the availability of SAP BusinessObjects 3.1 systems after June 2013. You can contact your UA Manager or if you need further assistance.