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The GridKa School "Big Data, Virtualization and Modern Programming" is taking place this week September 7-11, 2015, in Karlsruhe, Germany.

The  international GridKa School is one of the leading summer schools for advanced computing techniques. The school provides a forum for scientists and technology leaders, experts and novices to facilitate knowledge sharing and information exchange. The target audience are different groups like grid and cloud newbies, advanced users as well as administrators, graduate and PhD students. Organized by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), GridKa School is hosted by Steinbuch Centre for Computing (SCC).

We are happy to support this great summer school.

Dr. Engelbert Quack, Head of SAP´s Consulting Area Data and Technology, the core consulting unit combining SAP´s Analytics, Platform Technology and Mobile skills gave a keynote about "Digital Transformation, Big Data … and the changing role of IT".

How does the Digital Transformation change business models and which new business models arise? How do processes and business segments have to change and what is the role of IT within this development? To answer these questions Quack presented the new technologies in a comprehensive way with a special focus on Big Data.

The participants got to know SAP as the global market leader for business software and see how SAP seizes new opportunities by leveraging technologies like cloud, in-memory, and mobile computing. Selected SAP customers of different size and from various industries show how to manage the digital change and remain competitive.

Hands-on experience - Join our hackathons and competitions

For hands-on experience die GridKa participants are invited to participate at upcoming hackathons and the DataGenius competition.

At the SAP Recruiting booth the participants could learn what possibilities SAP offers for graduates and professionals to work within those new technological fields.

Links for further information:

Keynotes on Big Data:

SAP HANA Could Platform for students:

SAP Careers for students and graduates: