2013 Oct 02 10:20 AM
I would appreciate some answers to the following questions:
Will the ASSESS workflow reverse invoiced ( or "printed" billing) documents, or only unprinted billing docs?
How many months of estimates can the workflow go back and change – only one month, or more in the case where there were many months of estimates before the actual reading was taken?
2013 Oct 02 4:20 PM
This ought to be a new posting, rather than asking new questions on an old post.
2013 Oct 03 3:42 AM
Hi John,
Assess workflow will reversed all the billing document even if it printed.It will do the adjustment and reversal of the billing document not the invoice document. As per standard it would reversed multiple estimates read as long as the actual read is less than estimation read.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
2013 Oct 03 4:41 PM
Hi John
From experience, if the billing doc for the estimated period has not been invoiced, then the bill doc will not be reversed. I think the assumption is that without the invoice, there's no need for the Adjustment Reversal functionality to kick in, and the billing period can be manually reversed and the estimate manually interpolated.
In this scenario, the workflow overall is recorded as completed successfully, but one of the sub-tasks changes (TS20500269-ISU Error during Adjustment Reversal instead of TS20500268 ISU Meter Reading Re-Estimation) to indicate that the Bill Doc reversal failed, and so the re-estimation doesn't take place.