2012 Dec 06 4:19 PM
Hi Guys,
I need to invoice a flat rate customer from 2012.01.01-2012.01.10. He has already two billing documents: one for period 2012.01.01-2012.01.10, and one for 2012.01.11-2012.02.10. He also has an open billing order for 2012.12.10.
When I try to invoice with EASIBI, I get two error messages:
- Bill. order for inst. 1000000007 sch.bill.date 2012.12.10 bill.proc. 01 not in selection (Message no. AH371)
- Error in reading table EITR (Message no. E9014)
I think the first message has something to do with the open billing order, but I don't know anything about the second one. Please help me with this issue.
EASIBI + error message:
Billing order:
2012 Dec 06 4:46 PM
Hi Balazs,
EITR table contains all open bill documents those are ready to invoice. Since you have selected level of processing Invoice, system was trying to fetch the open bill documents from EITR for invoice and encountered the error.
Hopes its useful.
2012 Dec 06 5:54 PM
Hi Rajesh,
I checked table EITR and it contains the two billing documents. Also, I want to invoice by 2012.01.10 (see screenshot), thus I would assume that the system takes into consideration only the billing document for period 2012.01.01-2012.01.10. I don't really understand what error the system did encounter.
2012 Dec 06 9:00 PM
the billing order shows date of decenber 10 - but your billing date only goes to january 10. So that contract will not bill. Change your bill-to date OR create a billing order which has a billing date prior to that date.
2012 Dec 07 9:53 AM
Hi Bill,
since I want to create an invoice for period 2012.01.01-2012.01.10 I deleted the billing order for 2012.12.10. Now I have two billing documents: one for period 2012.01.01-2012.01.10, and one for 2012.01.11-2012.02.10. I figured I can create the invoice with EA19, but when I run the transaction I get the message: No bill documents for selection (Message no. EB056).
No billing document can be found for processing using the specified selection criteria.
System Response
Processing cannot continue.
Either enter an invoicing document or create billing documents for invoicing.
I don't understand this message, because the billing document is in the system. Can you help me with this?
Thank you,
2012 Dec 07 11:34 AM
As I can understand from above post that you having billing document & you are creating invoice with EA19. The problem may be because of outsorting of billing document. you can check whether the document outsorted or not with T code EA05. if doc is outsorted, release it & then perform invoicing with EA19.
This may help you.
2012 Dec 07 12:26 PM
Hi Harshal,
thank you for your input. I checked EA05 but the documents were not outsorted. It has to be something different.
2012 Dec 07 3:05 PM
Hi Guys,
I'm closing this post since the original error messages could be handled by deleting the 2012.12.10 billing order. Thanks for your input!