2016 Jun 23 11:46 PM
We want to update address data present in our master data tables with latest values (master address table data has remained unchanged since go live so new towns and cities do not figure in master data list). We came across a program which SAP has provided for this purpose :RSADRLSM02.
Question is : whats the input file format expected? Also, the selection screen has input for logical file path , so does that mean we have to create logical files (using FILE) referring to AL11 files ? What should be the format of the logical file ?
Any tips and tricks to use this program ?
2016 Jun 24 12:02 AM
2016 Jun 24 6:19 PM
Thanks for the help Daniel.
A question - the note recommends using LSMW together with program RSADRLSM02. However since the program takes input in the form of a file, why exactly do we need LSMW. We could directly come up with a file and feed the file input to program input.
Why exactly does SAP recommend LSMW for this purpose?