2013 Apr 29 6:08 AM
With now almost 100 events in two years we are curious to hear about your memories and thoughts of the events you've attended! Please share with us!
2013 May 05 11:06 PM
My favorite memory is from SAP Hana CodeJam last July (I wrote about it here) was that always sensed when I needed help or was in trouble and was right there to help me.
It's like an all-day hands-on TechEd focusing on a single topic, which I really enjoyed. Plus it's FREE.
I had a great time. Also was extremely helpful.
I didn't know what to expect but I was glad I attended.
Thank you for the opportunity, Craig.
2013 May 05 11:06 PM
My favorite memory is from SAP Hana CodeJam last July (I wrote about it here) was that always sensed when I needed help or was in trouble and was right there to help me.
It's like an all-day hands-on TechEd focusing on a single topic, which I really enjoyed. Plus it's FREE.
I had a great time. Also was extremely helpful.
I didn't know what to expect but I was glad I attended.
Thank you for the opportunity, Craig.
2014 Jun 02 9:59 AM
Recently, I have attended SAP CODE JAM at Hyderabad ABAP on HANA. It's like hands-on five selected topics,namely -> ADT in Eclipse
-> Advanced View Building in ABAP
-> Open SQL Extensions in ABAP
-> Introduction to ABAP managed Database Procedures
-> Introduction to SQL Performance tuning Working list(SWLT)
I had a great time and full insight on all these topics. Thanks to and her team. And also Thanks for organizing such an informative event.
2014 Jun 02 2:04 PM
2014 Oct 09 9:09 AM
Hello ,
In second week of September I attainted code jam event in India,Pune location.
We had great time with participents and trainers Former Member, Sundaresan Krishnamurthy,Ajay Soreng and Mohan.
They had covered below topics in the event.
1. ABAP development tools for SAP netweaver as ABAP
2. SQL performance tuning worklist in SAP netweaver as ABAP
3. Advanced view building in SAP netweaver as ABAP
4. Opensql extensions in SAP netweaver as ABAP
5. ABAP managed database procedure (AMDP) and consumption in ABAP
Here is my expierience about the code Jam event http://scn.sap.com/community/events/codejam/blog/2014/09/17/codejam-punesap-abap-on-hana-sap-gateway
Thank you Craig for the opportunity,
2014 Oct 16 3:57 PM
Hi Craig,
I attended Kochi Code Jam Event on 26th Sep 2014. The Code Jam event for SAP UI5. I learned lot of things from the trainers. It was too much helpful for my future career.
I Wrote the experience in the below blog
Rajkumar Narasimman
2015 Apr 15 10:24 AM
I have attended Code Jam Event on 10th APR 2015 @ Bangalore for SAP gateway.
my blog reg this event in the following link.
These sessions were very memorable and useful. An ample amount of time has been spent
on very useful and understandable format.
Thanks & regards,
sampath kumar