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Latest Goal Management - Create Goal via Library issue

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Create goal from Library is enforcing write permission to all goal plan fields to auto populate data via library.

Some of our customers are using add goal via library only and it is deviating their process of adding goals without any changes in the pre-defined Goal name and Description.

In Legacy version, it was feasible to have goals added via Library with read only field permissions in few fields (auto populated).

Do we have any patch or corrections planned for this one?


Rama Rana

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This is a behaviour change documentation in this table, line item for library goals: If the user does not have read permission, they cannot change the library goal file value anyway, what is the business value of them still populating that field? Is the purpose to apply a read only initial value that they can never change?

If there is a request for enhancement on this, please submit an Influence idea.

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Yes, we want read only fields coming from Library.
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Thanks for your reply! Write permissions in the goal fields is deviating our mistake proof goal addition process. Hoping to get it considered as a quick enhancement from SAP. Regards, Rama Rana