In this blog post, you will learn about the features of the new SAPUI5 based application custom code analytics, based on SAP EarlyWatch Alert for SAP S/4HANA systems.
A quick Introduction
For those you who are making the transition to SAP S/4HANA, or if indeed you are already live and operational, you will be aware that there is a need to not only understand but act on your custom code. Custom code analytics will help you to achieve these goals, providing the needed information regarding the main aspects of your custom code:
- transparency - not only on custom code, but also modifications & enhancements
- usage information based on ABAP Call Monitor, with the aim of managing, reducing the quantity of obsolete or unused code
- Quality, for improving the quality of the custom developments.
Custom code analytics - What is it?
Custom code analytics is a new SAP ONE Support Launchpad application. The application uses aggregated custom code data from your SAP EarlyWatch Alert data from your SAP S/4HANA environment to provide an
fact-based dashboard containing the most critical data related to your custom code, and will highlight & recommend potential improvement offerings that can be utilized in order to take action on the current situation, to improve the overall custom code footprint.
The application gives an overview about the custom code footprint of your ABAP systems and provides insights about code quality and usage.
What are the Prerequisites?
Ensure that Early Watch Alert is configured
Please check SAP note: 1257308 - FAQ: Using EarlyWatch Alert
Allow Online Data Collectors
Please ensure that Online Data Collectors are allowed. They are read-only and digitally signed online collectors for SDCCN data (e.g. Early Watch Alert). Please check SAP note 69455 for further details.
To check whether Online Data collectors are allowed please run report RTCCTOOL via transaction SE38 and ensure that the note "Allow Online data collectors" is implemented as below:
In addition please check within RTCCTOOL via menu GOTO -> Online Collectors that the online collectors are allowed
NOTE: Please know that you cannot influence the exact date in which the data is transferred automatically to SAP, so it might take some time after you see data in the application.
How to access the Custom Code Analytics Dashboard?
To access the custom code analytics dashboard please open the SAP One Support Launchpad with your S-User and search for the Custom Code Analytics application
Note: To be able to see the data your S-User needs to have the profile “
Service Reports and Feedback”
How can Custom Code Analytics help me?
Using the Custom Code Analytics tool is the first step to gaining a complete understanding & transparency of the Custom Code footprint in your productive systems.
As an example, your organization has historically performed a lot of customizing, but you are not aware of the "footprint" left behind by these customizations.
Or, you plan a transition to SAP S/4HANA sometime in the near future. Due to the infrastructure changes and simplification made in SAP S/4HANA, your custom code will be affected. But how many Custom Code objects do you have? Which of these are used, vs unused? What is the quality rating for each object?
What if, you already use SAP S/4HANA, and you have a requirement to understand the custom code that has been created since Go-Live, and also if it conforms to the development guidelines within your organization. Have you update your development guidelines since moving to S/4HANA, to reflect the simplifications made in key areas, such as the Material number field length extension?
This is where custom code analytics really has massive potential benefit for your organization. With the automated data collection via SAP EarlyWatch Alert, the information is available to you, to view and understand the custom code "footprint".
The data collected in then processed further using the CB* and the results are produced on a weekly frequency.
This allows you to see, in a single dashboard, information on the following Custom Code aspects:
- Quantity
- Severity (Custom Code, Modification, Enhancement)
- Quality (ATC based input)
- Usage( provided via SUSG), Usage per Object Type
- Detailed Modification analysis (Technical, Real Modifications)
- Package assignment
- Technical Complexity(Coming Soon)
- Decommissioning Potential(Coming Soon)
Fact-based recommendations to improve data
In the example below, SUSG Usage Data Aggregation (see SAP Blog Aggregate usage data in your production system with SUSG transaction) is not active, and thus is recommended.
The objective is to provide you, the customer with a "single source of truth", which will provide the information you need in respect to your custom developments.
Personalized Services/Request Expert
For SAP customers at
Enterprise Support and Premium Engagement contracts, based on the collected information the dashboard will recommend from a series of SAP PE Service engagements, or Enterprise Support Advisory Services This will reflect the actual customer data.
For example, if your system has a high number of unused objects, a Decommissioning Service will be recommended. Objects showing a high number of ATC Prio1 objects will result in a recommendation for a CCM Quality improvement service.
From here, with the click of a button, it is possible to engage SAP Experts to assist with the analysis of the custom code footprint, in order to provide clarity on the situation.
How can I see the recommendations and request further assistance?
On the custom code analytics Dashboard screen, click on the "Request Expert" button.
Note: This button will be highlighted in red (as shown in the screenshot below) if the data collection has detected that the Custom Code numbers are in excess of SAP recommended guidelines.
The recommended service offering will be displayed, along with the recommendation reason, and service description:
With the service recommendation, it is possible to contact SAP for further support, or directly send a request to the SAP experts to book the recommended service. Simply select a date that suits, and provide a contact email. One of the SAP Custom Code experts will contact you to confirm the scope of the proposed service & delivery options.
- To summarize, the Custom Code Analytics application will provide complete transparency of the custom code footprint.
- The information can be used as a starting point for a fact-based discussion in regards to custom code activities.
- Personalized Services supported by real facts/figures for SAP Enterprise Support & Premium Engagement customers.
- Proactive recommendations based on the real status on the system, enabling insight to action on custom code.