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A few months ago, we were able to learn a little about the experience that a colleague had and shared during her internship here at SAP, more precisely, in our team University Alliances. She told us about her discovery of AI (Artificial Intelligence) learning modules provided by “Wissensfabrik” (English: “Factory of Knowledge”) and we would like to share the project's main purpose with you.

Figure 1: Discover IT together

Figure 2: Explore communication. Do it yourself and share it. Discover IT with ease. Explore data.


“Wissensfabrik” is a German network with the aim to improve education in sciences and IT and thus ensure innovation sustainably. Today it counts around 130 companies and foundations. SAP is part of this joint network. For this purpose, many projects have been initiated. One of them is IT2School with its various AI Modules, which she told us more about in the following.

IT2School provides various learning materials to give students the opportunity to discover IT playfully. This starts at an early age when the kids are still in kindergarten and accompanies them until graduating from school.

Figure 3: Basic module 1 – On the trail of AI in daily basis. Basic module 2 – By turing tests & language assistants. Basic module 3 – Discover Ai in a playful way. Basic module 4 -Evaluate data with AI yourself.  Advanced module 1 – Let computers learn for themselves. Advanced module 2 – Design your own AI. Advanced module 3 – Illustrate your own stories with AI.


Everybody is constantly confronted with AI in daily basis life, e.g. while shopping online or even taking selfies. Nevertheless, many people don’t know what AI actually is and how it works. The AI modules aim to rectify this backlog. The Factory of Knowledge defines AI as IT systems that can carry out exercises for which you usually need human intelligence. The AI modules are composed of two categories: discovering AI and creating AI.

With the aid of the module AI-B3 “Schlag den Roboter” (English: “Beat the robot”), she tried her best to give us an idea of how the AI Modules work. The purpose of this module is that students learn basic ideas and principles of different AI approaches and machine learning methods. By this, they should be able to understand how a machine learns. Therefore, the students gain experiences with the mode of operation and the effect of AI by playing the role of an AI in a mini chess game against a “real student”.

There are two ways to play the game. In the first round, participant students define rules on how the AI should react in every single situation. In the second round, there are no rules defined before the game. The AI learns to play successfully with the help of rewards and punishments. This way, the students shall understand the difference between classical AI and machine learning.


Figure 4: The game starts

Figure 5: Wenn = if . Dann = then.

Figure 6: Computer: train 1


To sum up, it becomes clear that the AI Modules provide a great opportunity for teachers and students. Teachers can use the tools easily without much preparation. Both can profit from the knowledge which can be learned playfully. This way, students have much more fun, and the learning effect is more sustainable. Moreover, this knowledge is highly important for their career later in life since AI is spreading more and more. That’s why companies like SAP can profit as well from these initiatives.

Besides, students not only have to learn how AI works but also how to deal with it. Furthermore, she would like to point out that the currently published modules are a great opportunity in particular for younger students.



For further information, please see

You can download the modules for free in German here. The English version will follow soon.

For further information, please see  “Rock in teaching Artificial Intelligent with IT2School “

Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 from  Christoph J. Kellner, Animation / Illustration / Graphic Recording, studio animanova, Berlin, Germany.

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