Member since ‎2023 Oct 30

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Hi All,I am currently working on developing work center module using SAP Core Data Services(CDS).I am referring the API document by SAP.https://api.sap.com/api/OP_WORKCENTER_0001/path/post_WorkCenterCapacity__WorkCenterInternalID___WorkCenterTypeCode...
Hi all,I am currently working on SAP workflow module. I have created a Business partner form using SAPUI5. There are so many fields with combobox and value help type. I need to populate the external source values in the fields. How can I configure th...
I am using Object Page layout for developing the page. I have different sections in that. I need to add extra title for the first tab.In the below image all tabs have heading with the tabs title.For eg: For tab "Personal" we can see "Personal" title ...
Hi team,I am creating a business partner creation form by customising the default fields. I have one object structure related to the form fields and trying to display the data in the corresponding tables.I am planning to create a json file for storin...
Hi Team, I am very new to the SAP technology and looking to establish a workflow within SAP Business Application Studio for the approval process of Business Partner Creation. While I'm aware of the default screen for the Business partner creation f...
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