Member since ‎2009 Sep 19

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Bom dia pessoal, Para o cenario de venda futura, entendo que na primeira fatura (feita em dezembro do ano passado ), o XML tag ICMSUFDest, nao deve ter nemhum valor relacionado com os condition types da pricing procedure, no meu caso, os conditions...
Hello gurus, I have the following error with a FCE invoice for Argentina. When invoice is send in tcode J1AMONITOR to AFIP, following error is displayed. AFIP Code 10158. Anyone that already review/fix this error?
Hi Gurus:Does any body have an idea, why this report shows the key figure "Returns QTY" in a negative qty???I switch drilldown by Material and in the key figure Returns QTY appears negative quantities.Please, any ideas.....
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