Member since ‎2023 Sep 12

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Hello:I would like to launch a navigation, when the users double click in Customer Reference field in VA02 (FIELD VBKD-BSTKD).Do you know if i could have a badi, or exit for program inside??Thanks!! Carlos  
Hello!!I have customized a new satus profile for header of my sales document in VA02.I have three status, yo can see in attached document (resume, and current customizing).But i don't want red arrow (change from READ to CANC).Do you know how could cu...
Hello:I have a question about avoid edition in fields, in VA42 transaction.I want avoid to change Contract Start Date, if my SD document is notin a defined status.I think, i need to review it in userexit_field_modification, but when in SCREEN-NAME va...
Hi, We need to lock/advertise us a deployment of customizing request, if it has some customizing (tables T030, T007V...) We are using CHARM in Solman for the deployments. Do you know what is the best way to do it? Thanks!! Carlos.
Good morning: We are using RSBCS_REORG for delete email entries, but i think this report, only applyes for Outbound emails (SOST). Do you know wich report we need to use for delete Inbound emails (SOIN). Thanks!!