Hi experts:
Could you please help to analyze the error log below to figure out why such error occurred?thanks
[64053]{-1}[-1/-1] 2023-10-10 17:05:50.764039 i EventHandler EventManagerImpl.cpp(01019) : AutoEventHandlerCallback::initial(period= off...
HiIf you still have this issue, please collect the logs which showed while starting the docker image, in the screen shot you posted, there are 2 log links which may tell the reason.thanks
Hi,Currently the latest HXE only support the installation on redhat9.0, 8.8, 8.6.If it's not easy to downgrad the os, I suggested you used the docker version HXE which is avaiable on docker hub.https://hub.docker.com/r/saplabs/hanaexpressthanks
could you please try the following cmd on win10?1. open PowerShell$env:TEMPshow the system temp dir, I think it should be the path which was seen in the error you pasted.2. you can try to modify this system temp diredit the system env variable TEMP, ...