Member since ‎2023 Sep 27

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  • 14 Posts
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 Hello, I am currently in development of a RAP based Fiori Application with OData v2, and one of the requirements is to be able on the Create Object Page ( when you Create a new entity ) to be able to create sub entities as well.In OData V2 the creat...
Hello, currently I have a scenario where I have to create an adaptation project on top of a Standard Fiori Application (F1048A - Process Purchase Requisitions ( Version 2 ) ). This application uses the new sap.ui.mdc controls. I was able to add a new...
Hello guys, I have an unmanaged scenario of a web API that has to create an equipment. I am using the RAP BO Interface for the Equipment which is I_EquipmentTP ( CDS View also released for Cloud ).The RAP BO Interface successfully creates the Equipme...
Hello, I am currently exploring UI5 and I'm trying to read the labels from the OData metadata of an RAP Service in a Fiori freestyle application. Currently I have a two page setup that serves as a List Report & Creation (Object) Page. The reason I am...
Hello, I am faced with the following scenario: A custom Fiori/freestyle application should be developed which would then display as a print preview some standard form out of the SAP S/4HANA output management. Theoretically let's say that this form sh...