Generate file for sapscript and upload into sapscript. the generated file contain tiff data in hex format. Sapscrip should print the logo on the zebra printer after this step.Refer OSS note 179534Downloading file from BAR-ONE also gives option of cop...
Try:SELECT DISTINCT mmatnr tmaktx mumrez mumren pprodh MAX( mean11 ) INTO TABLE itab FROM marm AS m INNER JOIN makt AS t ON tmatnr = mmatnr INNER JOIN mvke AS p ON pmatnr = mmatnr WHERE m~me...
'Add a Logo field' button available in BAR-ONE v5.1.1 demo version, using that you can add logo.Command ^XGR:SAMPLE.GRF recalls already loaded graphic file SAMPLE.GRF stored in printer memory drive R:. You can load the graphic using command ^DG or ^...