Is it possible to disable verify course completion button? It is very confusing and since the customer is using "AICC wrapper" there is really no point in having that.
Hello,If I am requesting for the first time vacation days off pertaining to this year I am obliged to request minimum 10 days. How to set this in a Business Rule?Thank You
Hello,On the time off request I would like to have a field that shows the time off vacation days pertaining to the last year (2023) and not only 2024 vacation balance to be shown.How can I obtain this? Thank You, Marko
so I have a list of (200) employees , to these employees video A will be assigned and to the supervisors of those 200 employees video B will be assigned. Can I have an assignment profile that checks who are the managers of these 200 employees and ass...
so, It annoys me that If I want to change my address in people cannot profile when I go on the pen the system asks me "On which date this change is effective" 1st. Same for the employees, they should not have this step where date of change is not rel...