Member since ‎2014 Aug 14

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Good morning,I created a SAP CDS in S/4.  The CDS view is in BW under NONDESNOTCONNECTED. I want to move the CDS to its proper catalog. We're on BW on HANA.Right mouse on the object does not provide an option to move the object.Can you please describ...
Hi,I'm writing a CDS view to get various stages of the freight unit in the transportation management module. I'm specifically looking at the linkages between /scmtms/d_trqrot, /scmtms/d_torstp and /scmtms/d_trqstg.I've analyzed the TCode BOBF for /sc...
Hi, can you please support me to configure the jobScheduler using .xsjob file1. Used XS advanced cockpit -> job scheduler and created an instance jobScheduler2. Assigned the required admin job role templates to my userid (Jobascheduler_adminstration,...
Hi, Can you please help me to fix the insufficient privilege to call the procedure GRANT_CONTAINER_SCHEMA_ROLES? I've successfully created a cross-container SFLIGHT_PROJ with a dimension cv using SFLIGHT schema from XSC. I can view the data in We...
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