Hello all,I have currently the issue, that when I want to derive a BOM I get sometimes the error:Quantity for component [Materialnumber] cannot be determined (CDESK_SRV_MESSAGE 227)Internet and SAP Notes doesn't offers any solution or where I can try...
Hey all,
a CAD User has currently problems with checkin.The error seems to me like it can't reach the SAP Server.
But there was something I noticed. The small Assembly hes a size of 9MB. After I cloned it, it has just 120KB size.So I'm note sure,...
Hello all,
every time I try to check-in the 3D Model in SolidWorks, the error attached down always appears. When I do the same with the dependen Drawing it works how it should. I don't even find anywhing usefull in the internet about the "/DSCSAG/A...
A User from my company has trouble with logging in to his ECTR login.A day a go it worked but now the error appears and he can't log in his account.
I Attached a pic with the message and here is the englisch translation:No authorisation for ...
I need to delete 4 BOM's which was created by fool. My porblem now. I would delete a BOM with CS02 and type in a new Changenumber.
The BOM has the valid from 01.01.9999 to 31.12.9999 and the changenumber 01.01.9999.
If I used a 01.02.9999...
After giving up and writing here i found the solution. In the Properties of SolidWorks was no Mass Properties defined what ands in to the error bc no number was defined... Hope someone helps this maybe in the future anyway with same issue.
Growing BOM I mean a BOM that can be released and addad while working on it so the AVOR can work and give the drawings into the produciton. The States are called SH and SE. With SH you can add and afer you set it to SE (like released) and other can w...