Hello Martin,
Thank you, I was able to focus on what was causing the error. Since Azure AD prefixes spn if the Entity ID name doesn't have https , once I changed both names (Entity ID, Service Provider), the SAML Assertion matched, and worked!
Hello mraepple ,
Thank you for redirecting me to this page, I have been since made a progress, BUT now I am getting this error in sap/bc/sec/oauth2/token :
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "Provided authorization grant is...
Hello I am facing the same issue. I am using Azure as IdP, and SAP Netweaver Gateway is the Service Provider.I made sure the Service Provider name is same as the scope field. And I don't know where else to look or configured. I am following this blog...
I was able to get the token, without using the field resource, and used the endpoint oauth2/v2.0/token.
I am in "Request access token from SCP XSUAA with SAML Bearer Grant Type (RFC 7522)" part. It's hard for me to understand what the en...
Hello @mraeppleThank you for the comprehensive guided blog!Since I am not using BTP, but I do have configured SAP NETWEAVER side.I followed the steps in Azure AD Frontend App Registration as well as the Backend (Fiori). I am now stuck in the testing ...