Hello Expert
We need to perform stock transfers between 2 storages location EWM on the same plant but our constraints are :
1) The Inspection lot 1701 is still UD pending in the source EWM Storage location
2) The batch is in Q2 stock and we nee...
Hello QM experts
I'm using conditionnal MICs when a previous required MIC is Rejected
Unfortunatly the conditionnal MIC is open only when the previous one is Closed (5) and not only Valuated (3)
For my process i would like to raise the conditio...
Hello experts
Inside the same operation i would like to manage several conditionnal MICs like this :
MIC 1 Required
MIC 2 Required
MIC 3 Conditional Rejected MIC2
MIC 4 Conditional Rejected MIC2
MIC 5 Conditional Rejected MIC 3 or MIC 4
Hi Experts
Using the single results recording for my MICs in order to avoid the usage of multiple separate MICs
i would like to calculate the sum of each single units of the MIC1 in another MIC2
MIC1 (Scope 2)
Measured value 1: = 12,5
Hi QM Gurus
I would like to block the possibility to take the UD of the inspection lot if the linked Physical samples don't have a given user status set.
I tried to do it by using the transaction control behind the status profile i have assigned ...
Hello OlivierI think there is no way to select specific operations when the inspection lot is created because inspection plan operations are not really an SAP object the only exception is if you use the Reference Operation set with the consequence to...
Hi MateenAre you using embedeed EWM? Check QRSETUP configuration for the warehouse E001 and your inspection rule 4May be some inconsistencies with inspection type 1701
I can see you are using the usage 9 (material check) for the inspection plan.By default the inspection type 1701 is linked to usage 5 , check the customizing for the inspection type 1701 if its well linked to usage 9.With QA02, are you manually selec...
Hi MateenIn this case, set the box "inspection 100%" in the inspection type 1701.Seems not to be the case according to your screenshotAre you using the physical samples?
Hicheck around the sample calculation.The drawing sampling procedure is probably asking for the number of containers to be able calculating the size of sample. And as far i know, depending to the S/4 Hana release, you have to apply an OSS note to get...