Hi Pros,
in such an ascending sorted table below with the first 4 fields from the left as keys, how could I select the first row of each group by the fields OI_EBELN and OI_EBELP as group keys?
Thank you and regards,
Novice L
Dear Profis,
am getting the shortdump GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED on the endroutine. Can you please help me sort it out?
Here below the source code:
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_dso1, /bic/zoi_ebeln TYPE /bic/oizoi_ebeln, oi_ebelp TYPE /bi0/oioi_ebelp, /bic/zlfd...
Gentlemen thank you for all the advices! The next question (Should I open another thread though it is related?) is:In such an ascending sorted table below with the first 4 fields from the left as keys, how could I select the first row of each group b...