Hi All,
I need to add Street2 field in the sap script.I have created a local variable, fetched the value and declared it in the script. The value is getting fetched from the driver program but it is not printing in the output.
Could you please ch...
Hi all,
I want to convert pack quantity to integer.
Here is the field tpcny for below if condition i want to change field type to integer. Please refer below screenshot.
tpcny TYPE p DECIMALS 2.
IF wa_tcurr-fcurr = 'KRW' OR wa_...
Hi All,
I want to add Valid on Date(24/01/2023) from selection screen to the report output header part.
Please guide to proceed further.
Thank you,
Hi All,
I'm sending Smartforms in Email attachment with an email body text but getting error as "OTF end command // missing in OTF data". I've attached the code below.
When I debug the code found that line 222 call function returning sy-subrc...
Hi all,
I have a requirement, need to add the attachment to an email.
There is one Smart form, I execute it and have the output redirected to an import parameter.
1] After that I've set ls_control_param-getotf = 'X'. to send the pdf output to ...
Hi Andreas,Yes, its a custom report. Actually, date will change as per the requirement. Whichever date we'll pass to the Valid on screen that same one i want in the report output header part.I just wanted to know whether this can be done in custom re...
Hi Frederic,Thank you so much for your response.Just for confirmation following parameters I missed thatswhy i'm getting the error ryt?MOVE : ‘X’ TO is_control_param–no_dialog , ‘ ‘ TO is_control_param–preview , sy–lan...