Member since ‎2022 Oct 17

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Hi experts, I want to know the whole process of SOS between SD and TM. How the scheduling dates( material availability, loading and delivery) are calculated in ERP? Does these dates came from TM system? (End to end process) How ATP check is done...
If non available material is present in sales order without rejection status , then material availability (1-03-2023)date during ATP check in ERP while saving is different from after rescheduling the sales order without any changes to 06-03-2023. Why...
Suppose I create a sales order with 5 items(1,2,3,4,5) . Item 1 is out of stock and I save the SO then its loading date is Jan 19th and material available date is jan 17th. Now i go to VA02 and I set the rejection status to item1 due to out of stock ...
I’m unable to edit ( cancel document) FSD when its life cycle status is transferred for accruals. It’s status is not changed to accruals posted till now. So PO and SES are not created . How can i cancel this FSD? How to check XML messages for this...
I’m unable to open item tab of the freight order. While I’m trying to click on the item tab in FO then blank page open and shows 505 internet connection , assertion error