Hi Experts,
We have requirement when the user clicks on forgot password the flow is this:
gigya-forgot-password-screen gigya-forgot-password-success-screen gigya-reset-password-screengigya-reset-password-success-screen
after success page appear...
Hi Experts,
We have a requirement to enhance a TFA screen to specific country for example: New-Zealand and Australia, as of now we are getting all the countries which we don't require, so how can we resolve this issue?
Attached a screenshot for b...
Hi Experts,
We have a requirement to create a screen and upload a company logo/image and then we can click on button, please can anyone suggest how can we achieve.
Hi Experts,
Can we enhance a TFA Registration or TFA Verification screen-set for example change the color of the submit button as per our requirement.
Hi Experts,
The client I am working with would like to implement a reCAPTCHA v2 for change your email screen-set, I have configured every step required for google reCAPTCHA v2 settings but I didn't get captcha token in response. How would I able to...
Hi Joshua, Thanks for the information.One more clarification requiredwe have tried configuring the captcha widget on registration screen with RBA rules and there the captcha is working fine and we are getting the captcha Token as well. I have attache...
Thanks Igal for the quick response.I have tried with your suggestion, 1st step - Reauthentication screen-set, after passing the registered user credentials there and we will navigate to the email update screen there I have changed email address which...
Thanks Igal I accept this answer.One more clarification If a user has successfully login and now user wants to change email according to our modified change email screen-set requirement which I have shared an image, what if user enters a wrong passwo...