Member since ‎2009 Jan 11

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Hi , I am developing a conversion program to upload the class and characteristics to a BOM item . The class type is a custom class which needs to be assigned to the BOM item along with the class and characteristics value . Is there any FM/Bapi which ...
Hi ,Need to assign class to BOM item . The classtype is a custom class and not a standard class . Any FM/BAPI which can be used to assign class to BOM component . Thks ,Sanjeev
Hi , We need to upload characteristic value at BOM item level . This is for uploading through the transaction code CS02(Batch classification) . Is there any FM/BAPI available for this or any other method . The classes and characteristics are already ...
Hi , I am using the BAPI 'BAPI_PRODORDCONF_CREATE_HDR' for production order confirmation along with goods movement . The requirement is to add additional field ' Documentary batch - batch number ' field name 'DOCUBATCH_CHARG' . The standard BAPI do...
Hi , Need a function module/BAPi to change the Actual Goods Receipt date for inbound delivery . Any suggestion would be appreciated . Have tried with WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE and BAPI_INB_DELIVERY_CHANGE . Am I missing something here ? Regds,Sanjeev