I dont now if it's already fixed, but on 7.50 SP 001 if you are using it twice in coding like shown below,
you got there error message "Given type is not structured, so there is no component XXX".
Normally i would excepted that in fact "the_grou...
Thank you for this great work. For me SAP had make with UI5 the same mistake like on dynpros, to bring business logic to near to screen logic. The result was a lot of horrible UI mixed business logic. A lot of people prefer to have the UI more change...
I agree to you. As i have seen yet for me it's only a half mvc in UI5. And i am more for MVP or MVVM Model. UI should be easy changeable. SAP is thinking in "bring all to SAP" but less into "bring SAP to all" to integrate it in other solutions and so...
There are several reasons : One developer does all in a small application. Software creators can better use there ressources, there are better concepts than pure MVC, which is anyway broken with UI5. To support several UI Types, view shouldn't have ...