Member since ‎2022 May 25

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Hi Experts, Can u please instruct how to configure Oauth for REST adapter from Sender side.. without using the Pooling concept...
Cannot cretae target elemnt /n0:MT_EDI_ML/Record/Line?Rec2050[2]/DESC2. Values missing in queue context.Target XSD requires a value for this element,but the target-field mapping doesnot create one. Check wheather the XML instance is valid for the sou...
Unable to execute statement for table or stored procedure. SAP_Import_Material (Structure StatementName3) due to java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (LINCAPP.SAPIMTL_PK) violated JDBC message processing failed; reason Error processi...
Am Getting the following error.. MP: exception caught with cause Error processing request in sax parser: Error when executing statement for table/stored proc. SAP_HANDLING_UNITS_...