Hi ShashidharDid you consider using the ad-hoc tcodes ADPROD and ADHU?I don't think PSA staging WTs can be canceled as in outbound picking using CANCPICK.Veer
Hi Hemanth,Create a Queue to pick stock from GR-ZONE to GI_ZONE.Whenever the warehouse user logs onto the queue, SAP will propose the open WT/WO to pick the cross-docking stock/HU from GR-ZONE.This will solve the issue irrespective of how the cross-d...
Hi MarcinDo you like to post the GI before Production order confirmation?I hope GR of the finished product and GI of the components are posted at production order confirmation.You can use synchronous goods receipt/goods issue in the production schedu...
Hi OritraSAP provides Unified Package Building with the ability to use all 3 packing engines-1. LO-Packaging instructions, 2-EWM Packaging specifications and 3-TM-package building.Hope you can surely find a solution for your requirement. RegardsVeere...