Member since ‎2021 Oct 06

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  • 33 Posts
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Hello, Do you know if in S/4 HANA, the capacity planning trnasaction such as CM25 will be available and supported? Where can I find the official documentation or statement? Thanks and Kind Regards
Hello, We have a problem, when using collective orders, we post scrap for child orders in CO11N. The production order have only 1 operation with MILE status for the child order. But, after, CO11N makes a confirmation without the MILESTONE Flag and ...
Hello friends, Is there any way to stay in the planning board once you save changes in CM25. SAP NOTE 100114 not suitable for that and nothing in the customize for the control profile. Thanks and Kind Regards
Hello friends, Is there any way to replicate buckets strategy ATP for R/3 system? I know this is a APO feature inside Global ATP, but would like know if somebody knows if there is a existing logic in R3. Kind Regards
Hello, In R/3 is there any way to run missing parts but split for daily basis? Problem is that in MTS scenario, when running ATP check for upper production order, missing parts tells us that the below production order material only full available a...