Can anyone advise on product category to be used for 'Managed Funds' securities where we required below options.
MaturityLump sum amount or unit quoted
I have tried with 02A type but it does not have above options.
Can you advise how do we manage accrued dividend in TRM security module. We need to achieve below.
Scenario 1) Dividend accrual
Example: Dividend of 1000 USD declared on 31.01.2023 but received on 15.02.2023.
a) Posting on 31.01.2023
We would like to measure (ROR) the investments with below Yield methods, but not available in portfolio analyzer report AFWKF_PA. Only Dietz, Mod. Dietz, MWRR & TWRR are available.
XIRRCAGRAbsolute return
I have raised to SAP and they have ...
Can anyone advise which product type/category we can use for private equity in TRM?
Note that there is no units when buying these investment, it is a lumpsum amount.
Hi,Any body has the answer for above query.We have managed funds investments with out units, i.e a lumpsum amount. Which product type/category we can use this.Have you come across this scenario, I am badly looking for an answer.