Hi there,
I am wondering which token to use to display the Registration text on the class level (scheduled offering).
I tried <&SCHD-CPNT> but the content I edited on the class registration was not displayed.
Hope to find any ideas or maybe an ...
Hi Community,
I set up two instructor both are authorized to teach about 27 items.
BUT how do I configure the so called "spot classes" or impromptu training in the instructor view?
And how do I record them as an instructor?
Normaly under "My...
Solved my issue with some researchSituation: Inhouse Instructer should be able to record "spot on classes" (ad hoc classes)Complication: The action buttons "Record completions" were not available in the "My classes - authorized to teach" tab.Solution...
Hi Jorge,yes. Once I could saw this there and the permissions are set. But the action to record ad hoc classes are not available for the new items.I don't get it what I am doing wrong here?