I have duplicate a trainer style to a customer trainer style.
I have made some modification like colors, logo, etc...
Under Settings->Playback Settings->trainer - Global on the tab Visual Properties I have change the Style to my customer st...
In SEN, how to setup the default style for bubble in all simulations ?
I have created my own bubble style and now I would like implement this style for all simulations.
Antoine Picaud
I don't understand the consumption of a glossary.
In the producer, I have 2 glossary. First is in french and the second is in English.
All glossary are publised.
In the manager, when I open in new window the domain who is published, I hav...
I have imported a powerpoint document with the producer and I have pubish all pages of my document with the producer and I can't see the result in the learner view of my group.
Have you an idea to resolve my issue ?
Hi,I have a strange result :https://customer.enable-now.cloud.sap/wa/Work area ID/~tag/published/index.html is KO with the new colorhttps://customer.enable-now.cloud.sap/wa/Work area ID/index.html is OK for the new colorHave you an idea ?Regards,Anto...
I resume my change because the result is wrong :1°) Create a trainer style xxx with adjustement of color logo,...2°) Publish the trainer style3°) Copy Playback Setting to Plaback setting xxx4°) Set as default the Plaback setting xxx5°) Under Settings...