Member since ‎2008 Aug 31

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Hi All,How can i track the changes done to the infotypes 0,1,2 and 6.I need to send these changes in a text file monthly.Please help me how can i achieve thisThanks
Hi All,I wrote a BAdi which will update Z5 date in the infotype 41 whenever infotype 171 is created.I am using hr_infotype_operation for updating 41.I did this 4months back and it worked fine.Now from the last 2 days whenever 171 is created, system ...
Hi All,I am creating a record in info type 15 using the function module HR_ECM_INSERT_INFOTYPE which creates a record with out any authority check.Similarly I need a function module to delete infotype 15 with out checking any authority i.e. no author...
Moderator message: please use a more informative subject in futureHi All,I have a selection screen of PNPCE with pernr and date period on the selection screen.Now i need to read the infotype 167 with the date period coming from the selection screen a...
Hi All,I am creating and deleting infotype 15 using HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION.While doing this i need to bypass the securtiy check.How can i do this,can anybody help me on this?ThanksSiddartha