My requirement is add the color in module pool screen any color in sub screen/pushbutton/ table control add color in any one but in module pool screen.
Like this .
Thanks in Advance.
Lines is not showing in Vertical chart? what is reason behind it lies is not displaying in graph? Kindly its urgent
Thanks in advance
but I draw the pie chart it is displaying well I also attached snip.
And kindly recommend any article in whi...
My Requirement is :
i have add the filed in ME3L po report and i also created the method and add the coding in SS;
Data is coming in internal table but when loop is end the data is remove from internal table
then second SS is:
here i use...
I use the screen 101, and write the code in PBO and also use the sub screen not normal and i debug it data is displaying in internal table but is not reflecting on ME23N SCREEN , what will be reason behind it ??
it urgent .
I get the data from CD...
I have attach the customize smartforsm to the Standard Tcode ME33K ?
How we can attach it ? i know it is configure in NACE tcode , but before step what will be ?
suppose we also create the customize driver program and customize smartforms now how...
I just create the contract in ME31K ,and contract is not released yet but in ME32K fields is disable/not editable but after the complete released of Contract All field become editable but after released of contract but my requirement is should be ed...
I have add the value of individual bar on graph can u share some solution how we can add value on individual bar . I have use the FM ( gfw_pres_show_mult ) i pass the x-axis and y-axis value in internal table .but the value on bar is how we can d...
I have use the FM (GFW_PRES_SHOW_MULT ) so i have use the custom container because i have add the multiple graph on on screen so i need to add the custom container so kindly recommend the solution for how we can add the value on the vertical/horiz...
I have used the FM ( GFW_PRES_SHOW_MULT) because i have add the multiple graph on one screen so i used the custom container . Your example is relevant to the (2d,3d) graph in which there is no need to add the container.
Kindly recommend the soluti...