Member since ‎2021 Sep 29

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Hello experts, I'm facing a runtime error - "Resource shortage, TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED". I need to store all the data in the internal table, a regular LOOP won't let me do that. Is there a way I can achieve that? (Sharing an image of the dump ...
Hi experts, I have some data in itab which I have to convert in text format and write on the application server. I used the FM SAP_CONVERT_TO_TEX_FORMAT but the client system puts out Resource shortage dump when using this FM. Is there a way ...
Hi, I have a local class containing static methods. When I perform a syntax check, every instance where a class method is called, an error is displayed "Type /LPROFILE/ZCL_P2D_KPI is unknown". This is the method declaration: Implementation...
Hi, I am very new to ABAP and programming in general. I need to find the number of occurrences of the data in a column. In this report, there should be a new column which would give the count of the sales document number. Like sales No. 40 occurs twi...
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