Member since ‎2021 Aug 24

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Hi All, I am looking for the replication of tables from s4 hana to Snowflake using sap DI. But facing some challenges in case of UPSERT(Update and Insert) operation as there is no operator which supports the same. Can anyone help me find the solu...
I am unbale to see the CDS reader versions as shown below when replications for the same source connection is running in backend but when I suspends the replications I am able to see the CDS Reader versions. Should I be needing two different connec...
How can we delete hana cloud tables using metadata explorer in sap data intelligence?
Hi All, Can someone help me providing the expression format in replication in SAP DI while trying to replicate tables from one system to other ? Thanks
Hi , I tried to use table replicator with source as mssql and target as adl but I got the error saying create table access is not present . So how should I proceed now . Also suggest me if there are any other operators which will bring delta change...