SAP TechEd is just around the corner, and we are starting our annual gathering for all levels of IT experts off with a bang: Our SAP TechEd Learning Zone comes with free learning resources to help you stay up to date with the latest innovations and i...
To enrich your learning experience, we are piloting a new live stream format on the SAP Learning site. The first season will focus on SAP Business Technology Platform and will run as an experiment to pilot this new learning format.In every episode we...
To enrich your learning experience, we are piloting a new live stream format on the SAP Learning site. The first season will focus on SAP Business Technology Platform and will run as an experiment to pilot this new learning format.In every episode we...
Expand your learning experience beyond SAP TechEd and deepen your knowledge in SAP solutions with our expert-led live sessions that can also help you prepare for sought-after SAP Certification.Available live session recordingsRecording available: Lea...
To enrich your learning experience, we are piloting a new live stream format on the SAP Learning site. The first season will focus on SAP Business Technology Platform and will run as an experiment to pilot this new learning format.In every episode w...
Hi @Vinay34 , this blog post refers to last years SAP TechEd in 2023. Please refer to this Community blog post for 2024.You are right, the discount campaign in 2024 is for a subscription to the enhanced SAP Learning Hub and includes four SAP Certific...
Hi @M_Anzer, thanks for your interest. The planning phase for SAP TechEd in 2024 has not been finalized yet, so I cannot tell you at the moment if there will be another certification campaign. Please stay tuned. You can also subscribe here to get all...
Hi @Madhukar565 , thanks for your interest and Happy New Year. The SAP TechEd certification campaign has already ended on Nov 30. Currently there is no discount available.Kind regards,Ellen
Hi @SreeniKothuru , thanks for your interest. The SAP TechEd certification campaign has already ended on Nov 30. Currently there is no discount available.Kind regards,Ellen