Member since ‎2021 Aug 02

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Dear Experts,I am trying to decode a Base64 Encoded pdf in CPI with the standard Base64 Decoder but it looks like the Decoder generating faulty PDF as after saving the content as .pdf it is not opening , showing document is damaged and can't open the...
Dear Experts,I am receiving the PDF file in base64 encoded format in CPI and I need to update that through the below API but I am bit confused as how to send the PDF content . Only below information is available in the API specification . Could you p...
Dear Experts,I have created a flow where I am posting each record in S/4 and getting a document number against each successful posting. If the source file having 10 records, then I have to capture 10 document numbers from the responses and combine th...
Dear Experts,I am trying to perform a GET call through HTTP adapter or POSTMAN based on LastChangeDateTime value and the query is as below but getting 400 error. with out the below query parameter I am able to fetch records even select fieldshttps://...
Dear Experts,We are trying to extract Material Stock (SAP_COM_164) from S/4 Public Cloud system from CPI via ODATA V2 adapter but getting "403" error. In S/4, we have created Communication User (added CPI load balancer certs), Communication System (a...