Hi ,
Are there any standard Class-method / Function Module to fetch Change Request (CR) and its details for the associated Change Document(CD) .
Please help me with same.
Thanks & Regards,
Hi ,
Are there any standard Class-method / Function Module to fetch Change Request (CR), CR Description, Associated Change Document (CD), CD Description, Associated TR, TR Description for the given change document type & operation selected.
If st...
Are there any standard Class-method / Function Module to fetch Change Request (CR), CR Description, Associated Change Document (CD), CD Description, Associated TR, TR Description for the given change document type & operation selected .
If t...
I am getting this error "HTTP error 407 occured: SSL handshake with github.com:443 failed: SSSLERR_SSL_READ (-58) SAPCRYPTO:SSL_read() failed SapSSLSessionStartNB()==SSSLERR_SSL_READ" while cloning the github repository from SAP abagGit . I hav...
Hi, Please find the log below.Deploying in org "490edb2ftrial" and space "dev"
[2021-07-19T14:28:31.819Z] Detected MTA schema version: "3"
[2021-07-19T14:28:32.112Z] No deployed MTA detected - this is initial deployment
[2021-07-19T14:28:32.191Z] Det...