Member since ‎2021 Mar 10

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Hello Experts, I have the following group of employees that I have called coustomercaregroup and I also set the userrights in this way: Now, i would like that this group can see through backoffice all types of Products but can modify only the ...
Hello, I'm learning Hybris, and i have the following problem: I have the datatype News and CriticalNews wich extends News. I would like that in backoffice's page for the News the subtypes CriticalNews is not represented because it already has...
Hello, I'm new with SAP Commerce and i have this problem: i have the following relation: <relation code="Cooperative2PointOfService" autocreate="true" generate="true" localized="false"> <sourceElement qualifier="cooperative" type="Coopera...
Hello, I'm new with Hybris and i noticed that in my impexes with startTime[dateformat = yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss] with the value 12:00:00 that is clearly 12:00 PM in the database are saved as 00:00:00 and this is wrong. Can someone tell me how can...
Hello Experts, i'm new with Hybris and I would like to know if is possible to crate a new customized comparator in the backoffice advanced search. For example: DATE have the comparators specified in the <alias alias="advancedSearchOperators...
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