Member since ‎2019 May 17

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  • 45 Posts
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Introduction Document Extraction Information is a BTP service, and helps you to process large amounts of business documents. The purpose of this blog post is to demonstrate how you can combine it with SAP Data Intelligence. The use case is simpl...
I'm so happy to find time for writing my next blog post  Today's topic is alert notification, and I'm going to keep it short and simple. I had to provide notification pipelines by each DI project that I delivered. There are some cases when custom...
I'm assuming that you know what is Qualtrics. If you don’t know Qualtrics, you can find more information about it here. In this blog post I will show you how Qualtrics can be integrated with SAP Data Intelligence. I will load survey responses from ...
In my previous post I promised you to show the combination of ABAP CDS Reader and Python operator. Here we are. You can use the approach below for SLT and ODP operators too, because the JSON output of operators is the same. In this blog post we are...
If you are a beginner in SAP Data Intelligence (DI) and python, this blog post is for you. In this post I am going to show how you can create a python custom operator in DI based on my personal experience. Spoiler – it’s fast and easy   For this p...