Member since ‎2012 Apr 16

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  • 125 Posts
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Hello, is it possible to consume data of a live model connection in SAC using SAC office plugin? thank you Dieter
Hi Experts, I have to create data model showing shifts of Positions from one cost center to another comparing two different plan cycles. I have in my primary model for each plan cycle the position id a unique record. I created a new model havin...
Hi, i am looking for a hint how I can combine e.g. 2 data records into a single one within a data function. Poblem: I need to show cost center shifts from one planning cycle to another planning cycle. The unique identifier is position id, lin...
Hello, I am looking for a possibility to have the same behavior when pasting values from e.g. excel into SAC planning enabled table, which is been done when entering the values by typing. e.g. I have set the scaling in the model to 1k , when en...
Hello, does someone know who to get an overview of model / story shared with Teams and users , displayed in a SAC story. thank you Dieter