Hello Pernille,what you might look at is the functionality called "Activity Spanning": this does not split the activities but extend them preserving the estimated duration and discarding non working hours and breaks. More info here:https://help.sap.c...
Hello, what might be an idea is to define a sequencing between activities (e.g. using an UDF to specify predecessor actrivities like activity2.udf_predecessor=activity1) then release of activity 2 in planning board will be blocked until activity1 is ...
Hello Tomas, today is not possible to hide this functionality as if you have a released activity and then you do an unassign this would trigger a closing of the activity and a duplicate would be created therefore it would be contraddicting with the "...
Good Day Mahmoud,if you enable the new modal UI which is now available in Preview mode you can specify a custom address during the service call / activity creation process.More information are available here: https://help.sap.com/viewer/fsm_preview_p...
Hi Tomas, looks like you probably did not configure all mappings. Please check here that all steps 1. 2. and 3. are fulfilledhttps://answers.sap.com/questions/13355345/fsm-howto-how-to-enable-menu-options-in-activity-q.html?childToView=13355346