Hi, I have a question about procurement type.
We usually register material (Parts and Assembly) as F for procurement type.
※This can't be changed. I know this is also X but these options are not what I'm looking for.
Is that possible to chan...
Hi, I would like to know if there is an approval options for CJ20N.
I'm engineer and use CJ20N to transfer BOM to purchasing group. Currently the approval process is done by another application but if there is a way to add approval process, i wa...
Thank you Dominic. After transfer as exploded, is that possible that Purchasing department to make PO as procurement type E(sub contract manufacturing)? (All parts are registered as Procurement type F(in house manufacturing))If it possible, I would l...
Hello Dominic,So this means if I check Multilevel, no matter which type the material is registered (E or F) it will explode into parts level?e.g. If I put part which contains 5 level of assembly, it will completely disassemble into parts?
Thank you Dominic,What I'm trying is e.g. CN33. It will explode into subassembly units and I want to know how to explode everything and create PO on SAP. If there is another transaction which will explode unit into single parts e.g. screw, washer, gu...