Member since ‎2021 Feb 25

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We always use T-code such as ZSD_I032_02 、CT04、CU42、CS02、MM01 to maintain information about interface. Which T-code could download this t-code 's report to check correctness of data maintenance? Thanks for your support in advance!
We always use T-code CS15 to inquire about the top level of our raw material. And I also submit access request to get CS15M , But it was rejected by local IT service. Are there any other T-codes ? Thanks for your assistance in advance.
Which T-code could trigger automatic reminder emails when our system 55 order completes the first batch of receipt? If any T-code or any sap system setting can achieve this automatic notification? Thanks for your assistance in advance.
We always use T-code CS15 to inquire about the top level of our raw material. But i don't know Which code could download some parts ' top level for at once? Thanks for your assistance in advance.
When we use interface to pick up our customer's order, it informed us material is not copied from the bill of material. The bill of material #WJ-OSFHEX-CAB was exploded. Thanks in advance for your support.
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