Member since ‎2020 May 16

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  • 21 Posts
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We have 100s reports with the old company logo scheduled on the CMC server. I changed the new company logo in the .rpt file and overwrote the previous template file on the server. When scheduled reports are running, they don't reflect the new logo. I...
We have hundreds of report schedules on the CMC server. Now, I changed the .rpt file with a new change and deployed the updated report on the server, and I need to schedule this report to change the prompt tab value for the first parameters with 100 ...
I need to change the company logo on all the automated scheduling and ad-hoc reports. Before that, it was inserted as a static logo/image on each report. I want to make a dynamic link/reference to pull the logo from the report's repository/folder. Ca...
Hello I have created a legal letter to send to defendants and attorneys. Now, I added group#1 on the top of the letter to display the address label, and the next group, #2, starts from page two of the letter. There is a page footer for the letter I...
We have four CMCs production servers. One of the people got retired, and I need to remove his email address from all scheduled reports that he was getting, but I don't know which reports he is getting. How do you find email addresses from all schedul...
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