Member since ‎2020 Aug 25

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Hello, I'm trying pass parameter from one hdb table function to another like: It's returning me a syntax error. Could you please help me with this SELECT * FROM "TF_A"(PLACEHOLDER.”$$inputparamter$$” => inputvalue)
bash-xs-commandnotfound.pngHello, I'm trying to setup xsjs configuration of HANA application on Business Application Studio for the first time. I'm following this blog post and documentation to set it up:
Hello all, I'm just looking for a way where I can start/stop HANA database instance through script on cloud factory?Thanks in advance for some answers  Best Regards,Thousif
Hey, This is Thousif with another blog post in which I am going to discuss about how we can monitor outlook and execute the required actions in the predefined time intervals using SAP Intelligent RPA. In daily business cases, one can receive ‘n’ numb...
Hi, My name is Thousif. I am SAP Junior Technical Consultant at Amista. Amista is a fast-growing IT consulting company focused on SAP software solutions and services. I majorly works on SAP iRPA projects. We all know that SAP iRPA cloud studio has b...