Member since ‎2019 Mar 15

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  • 92 Posts
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  • 8 Kudos given
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Dear SAC Community, when creating an import connection to a SQL DB as user "A" the same connection is not showing up if user "B" wants to create an import job using that connection. Both users have all privileges, also for admin. What is causin...
Dear Community, we are using a model where I'm the owner. So importing data from a data source is no problem. But we need some other people being able to import data into the same model. The people that should do that have ALL authorizations (we...
Dear Community, to refresh data there is only the option to refresh data on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis. There is no option where I can load data e.g. every 2nd day of each month or a combined logic e.g. every 2nd and 20th day of a mo...
Dear Community, by using e.g. Qualtrics as a data source I can only generate an analytics model out of the data source. But to use data actions I need a planning model. I tried to build a model copy data action from an analytics model to an plan...
Dear Community, We are currently looking into the content for Financial Planning. While we could import the content for the Financial Planning we are having issues to import the Add-on content. The error message says that it cannot import the mod...